On June 10, four persons snatched Rs 1 crore from Nagpal, a Dera Bassi-based property dealer, and shot at a fruit vendor who had tried to nab the culprits.
Chandigarh has seen a significant increase in Covid-19 cases in the past week. The administration has been encouraging people to get their booster dose and has also directed for children to be vaccinated.
Justice Chandra Dhari Singh in the judgment also said the notice under Section 160 CrPC was not issued at the right stage by the Deputy Captain Police, Cyber Crime, Phase-8, Mohali as police could not have been said to be conducting investigation without the registration of the FIR.
It took namesakes Arshdeep Singh and Arshdeep Singh Junior's heroics coupled with Bharat Thakur's brilliance to hand Punjab their first-ever gold in boys' hockey as they scored a 3-1 win over Uttar Pradesh in the final played in Fourth Khelo India Youth Games at Panchkula.
According to the report, the victim Praveen Kumar was going home with his wife after closing his shop around 10 pm. Parveen was carrying three bags when he was intercepted by the four, who snatched the bags. One of them also fired a gun.
It took namesakes Arshdeep Singh and Arshdeep Singh Junior's heroics coupled with Bharat Thakur's brilliance to hand Punjab their first-ever gold in boys' hockey as they scored a 3-1 win over Uttar Pradesh in the final played in Fourth Khelo India Youth Games at Panchkula.
It took namesakes Arshdeep Singh and Arshdeep Singh Junior's heroics coupled with Bharat Thakur's brilliance to hand Punjab their first-ever gold in boys' hockey as they scored a 3-1 win over Uttar Pradesh in the final played in Fourth Khelo India Youth Games at Panchkula.
Power cuts were reported on Friday from across the district, with rural areas being hit the worst as many villages witnessed 8 to 10 hour long power cuts.
While denying bail to Singla, who was sacked by Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, a court in Mohali says if responsible people like a former minister had indulged in corrupt practices, it would send a very wrong signal to society.